The ultimate property solution

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital finance, the need for a secure and versatile crypto wallet has become more apparent than ever. Tux Wallet, designed with a focus on robust asset storage and seamless asset transfer, addresses the concerns of risk and identity.


November 15, 22

Product Design





In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital finance, the need for a secure and versatile crypto wallet has become more apparent than ever. Tux Wallet, designed with a focus on robust asset storage and seamless asset transfer, addresses the concerns of risk and identity.

Problem Statement

The crypto ecosystem is brimming with opportunities, but users often face challenges related to security, transparency, and ease of use. Traditional wallets lack features that enable users to explore the full potential of their assets, including swapping between different cryptocurrencies, lending for interest, and staking for additional gains. Additionally, concerns about identity and privacy persist.

Shivam / student

I can't seem to find a good pg around my university. Not even a flat at affordable price.


Yogesh / pg owner

She works in Bangalore and shares her apartment with one adopted kitten.


Gauri / college student

She works in Bangalore and shares her apartment with one adopted kitten.


this is where crib comes in recue for you and much more

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital finance, the need for a secure and versatile crypto wallet has become more apparent than ever. Tux Wallet, designed with a focus on robust asset storage and seamless asset transfer, addresses the concerns of risk and identity.

Tenant &


Operator /



The ultimate property solution


The ultimate property solution

❶ Tenant & Entrepreneur: A map-based feature that displays the location of nearby resources such as feeders, shelter homes, and veterinary clinics.

❷ Operator/Landlord: A map-based feature that displays the location of nearby resources such as feeders, shelter homes, and veterinary clinics.

My role

Overall, working on this project was extremely satisfying, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of individuals to work with. The project pushed me outside of my comfort zone by attempting 3D, playing around with code, and trying my hand at marketing UX.


To begin with, my team gathered visual references for all existing application forms in savings, as well as some in current accounts and loans. By defining the purpose of each interaction, we were able to break them into individual building blocks that informed the structure of the future pattern library



Understanding the competitive landscape is essential for positioning Tux Wallet effectively in the market. This real-time competitor research provides insights into existing cryptocurrency wallets that pose competition to Tux Wallet, analyzing their features, strengths, and weaknesses.



Complaint management

Tenant management

Send reminders

Inventory Management


Magic bricks


❸ Resource Mapping: A map-based feature that displays the location of nearby resources such as feeders, shelter homes, and veterinary clinics.


to the team

Overall, working on this project was extremely satisfying, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of individuals to work with. The project pushed me outside of my comfort zone by attempting 3D, playing around with code, and trying my hand at marketing UX.